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Hangman done with TypeScript and React

Hangman done with TypeScript and React

Tutorial & Motivation

I started following the logic of Web Dev Simplified’s great tutorial on the topic but quickly made it more complex adding other features like LocalStorage and Word per Day. I want to start diving in the topic of gamification and want to start simple. This game will open me the doors to some more complex logic where users will be rewarded for their score.


  • ⭐️ Easy and simple UI created with CSS Modules and React
  • 🚀 Logic created with TypeScript & React Hooks
  • 🗓️ A new word per day will be available to be played. You will not be able to play days beyond today, but of course you can try to get all the words of previous days
  • 🎮 It is a game. Simple. No data gathering. That is why the information is stored in your computer in the LocalStorage

Repo link here!

Deploy link here!